Monday, April 21, 2008


Since there is trouble editing the simplekeepit page, I will try posting the list of assignments and their due dates here.

Grasshopper 0.0:

Due: 04/23

Try to install Grasshopper 0.0 using the steps discussed in class. Submit a written report at the start of class on Wednesday.

Gmail Account Name:

Due 04/22 midnight.

Log on to your gmail account.
Go to your accounts page.
Click edit info (across from Send mail as:. Popups must be enabled.)

In the popup box:

Choose the second radio button next to Name:
Enter your name as described in class.
Email to your teacher with the subject line: 'Name Test'

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Grasshopper 0.0:
Assignment Guidlines

Many of you do not understand what is required in this assignment. Please read the following carefully.

Your assignment IS NOT to get grasshopper working.
Your assignment IS:
  1. to TRY to get grasshopper working, and
  2. to WRITE DOWN exactly what happened, so I will know things like:

    • what went wrong?
    • how far did you get?
    • what questions you were asked?
    • which steps gave you trouble?
    • what error messages did you see?
    • what folders did you save things in?
    • what were the names of files you clicked?
    • etc. (= and so on, ...)
Please understand:
  • You are not required to write down everything that appears on the screen. (That would take hours!)
  • But you are required to say more than just "I could not get it to download" (for example). That does not help me to solve your problem, which is to get you running this at home.
What is more is required? It might require more words. But if a student writes one thousand words that do not tell me what happened, writing two thousand of these same words words might not help. What is required is not (always) more words, but more information.

The writing is as important as the trying. In some ways it is even important than actually getting grasshopper to work, becuase:
  1. It will be evidence that you tried (and I need evidence to give you a grade).
  2. It will help me understand what went wrong.
  3. It will be your own very personal notes about how to install some software, which you can use in the future if you need to install something like this again.
For this assignment, you must create this information on your homework sheet from class: the quad paper you used to copy out the steps I wrote on the board. (If you use up all four pages, continue on another quad paper.) At home you must follow these steps in the order given, and you must write the number of each step before you do the step. You will then follow that step, and write your information about that step below the step number. If the step was successful you might simply write a check mark. (But if there are problems later, and you are trying to install it again, you might wish to add more information at that step, even if it is successful. This is a matter of judgement. This is part of what I am trying to teach, but you can learn it only through experience.)

You must place your homework sheet into the assignment box at the beginning of ICT class on the day it is due. If you cannot not get grasshopper to work you will still get a good grade if you submit a good report. But a bad report will earns a bad grade, even if you get grasshopper to run perfectly.

Posted By Mr. Hann to MAIN at 4/20/2008 04:52:00 PM

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Welcome Grasshoppers!

Please check this blog daily for current information.
Posted By Mr. Hann at 4/01/2008 07:04:00 AM